Sunday, March 12

for the people, by the people

the petrol prices in Malaysia
increased by 30 sen
since the government reduced its subsidy

the govt said that the RM 4.4 billion 'surplus'
will be used to lift up
the standard and state of
the current Public Transportation system


is it 'about time' or has been 'long due'..?

either this or that
just implement it
and materialise it

it has been my long life dream
to see a good public transport
in my beloved Malaysia..

i had faced and i had my share on these ordeals
Bus Ride

i am sure,
millions of Malaysian
had treasured their own experiences
past and present...
hence, i hope not for future

the thing that always amuzes and tickles me is;
they are so many Ministers, Senior Govt Officials
Decision-Makers, et cetera
been visiting countries like Singapore, US, UK, Korea, Japan

every now and then..
i am sure these people have seen and realised
(at times even complimented)
how good these countries' public transportation are..
what good it could bring to its citizens..

it makes me wondering even more...
when was the last time
the aforesaid distinguished individuals and VVIPs..
took a bus ride,
paid the taxi fares,
hassled with other commuters...

'kerajaan menyeru rakyat menukar cara hidup'
is it not that kerajaan too is the rakyat?

rakyat yang membantah tak semesti pembangkang
rakyat bersuara kerana sayangkan negaranya

so.. now..
only time and tide will tell..
whether they meant what they said
or another rhetoric and sweet-talk..

'you can fool some people some times
but, you can't fool the people all the time'

1 comment:

., said...

If it is rhetoric - then, I am a fool.

Somehow I really think they are committed (until the next cabinet reshuffle or UMNO AGM) and that their focus is right.

Getting Westra and committing funds to an idealistic project has my backing. There are so many things wrong at so many levels when we talk about public transportation system. I would be hard - pressed to pin point one single matter of concern.

Your dream is same as my dream.

Let's dream for the day when we can leave our cars at home and use public transportation to and from from work.

For today,
Mat Jenin Lentok