Monday, October 17

spring clean

today... i managed to finish up and tight up
whatever that i need to complete and all the loose end..

in light of that...
i've planned that i will give myself 3 days
to get myself together and all the willpower and ways
that are required...
to sort out my work and leisure priorities..
both of which, at the moment,
seem to be neglected much of the time

good luck to me..

assisted my sister with her ordeal (monetary)
in buying her first new car..
well, what's big brother for right...
pot in few thousands for the downpayment
and i've promised her that i will deposit in
couple of hundreds for the monthly installments
only till she's fully graduated and getting fully paid..
at the moment, she's living on allowances from..
both parents and scholarship..

i am also contributing few hundreds to my brother
for the same purpose.. vis-a-vis big brother thingy..
for the monthly installments for his car that is..
well, not exactly his... the car was mine, still mine...
just that.. he's using it at the moment
and having to pay half of the monthly dues..
same reason... until he gets to the state
where he could call the job that he attends to everyday..
as his real job... he's in between jobs...
pity him though.. but he's tough anyway..
so was his big bro... hehehe... :)

been there done that..

Sunday, October 16

a moment of silent

been occupied a bit.. with routines and workload..
as usual.. nothing new, only that..
myself more and more procrastinating
in whatever it is that i need to do..

of late.. i am so into reading others' blog as well..
some are interesting and wonderful to read..
and worth to be bookmarked as my favourites..
some are as lame as mine.. heheh...

not been emailing colleagues and friends alike much..
no thanks to yahoomessenger..

recently was my birthday..
the day which i usually..
will remember and thank my mother
for giving birth to me..
instead of and contrary to what others may practise...
i gave presents to my beloved mum..

i do not believe in hosting birthday parties..
but, i will go to one if invited..

since, to me.. our birthday is actually
a day to remember that your mother
who had gave birth to you some years ago..

hence, it is not 'your' day per se...
it's your mother's day...

till later