Wednesday, March 22

fast cash

sini takde personal and corporate taxes
municipalities taxes ada la..
between 10 to 16 per cent

taxes on car price in the UAE..
is about 4 per cent
there is no road tax.

but, setiap kereta...
it is compulsory to renew its registration
every year.. around 400 dirham..
and to have the car insured as well..

tak la tinggi, tak la murah gak..
for a 1.6cc.. comprehensive
it would be around 2500 driham
for the first year.. so on and so forth

nak beli kereta.. bank loan interest...
as low as 2.99 per cent..

one of the interesting annual event in UAE
is the bidding for special plate number..
nombor plate, for single digit especially..

an excerpt from the local newspaper...


...bidding for 'special number plates'
is a popular hobby among many UAE nationals.

... Ahmed won the plate (no. 1)
with a record-breaking Dh 8 million bid
and many in the auction hall were left speechless. is believed to be the highest price ever paid
for a car number plate anywhere in the world.

..the bidding started at a nominal Dh 300,000.

..soon, car number plate No 2 was open for bidding.
..Talib won it with a bid of Dh 4.1 million.

.. which witnessed fierce competition
to buy the first-seven number plates,
including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 88 and 99.

..then 11 other number plates, single and double digits,
6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66 and 77
were put under the hammer yesterday
and were sold for a total of Dh 4.14 million.

...number plate 8 went for Dh 610,000, again bought by Ahmed.

..number plate 9 was sold for Dh 545,000.

..number plate 11 was sold for Dh 365,000
..number plate 66 was sold for Dh 220,000

..the first seven plate numbers were sold
for a total of Dh 14.5 million.

..the other 11 numbers were not put on auction
and could be purchased directly.

...only those who are financially capable
can bid in these auctions.

...apparently many people purchase these as a social symbol
and end up paying a higher sum to banks in interest money.


well.. i hope, its say it all...
kengkadang tu.. memang nampak membazir

ye la.. bayangkan..
harga Ferrari Modena
baru around 1 million dirham...
or Mercedes S Class 350
baru around 400,000 dirham..
kalau nombor plate is 4 mill dirham?

but, kalau kita ni takde duit
and tak kaya macam depa
boleh la kata macam tu..

kalau kita ada duit kelak..
and kalau kita tak macam tu
only then, kita boleh kata
orang lain tu membazir..
apa ke, itu ini ke..

for me..
kata-kata orang kaya yang tak pernah miskin
kata-kata orang kaya yang pernah miskin
kata-kata orang miskin yang nak kaya
kata-kata orang miskin yang tak pernah kaya
semuanya berbeza..

hanya keadaan dan waktu yang menentukan
usaha, yakin, tawakkal..

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