Monday, August 6

it's all about love

rasa bosan sesangat petang semalam
nak go out to malls - malas
nak makan lagi - lauk dah abis
nak keluar jogging - panas ya ampun
nak baca buku - takde mood
nak layan tv - cerita sama je dok ulang

akhirnya.. layan vcd/dvd..

ada 3,4 keping cerita melayu
yang belum tertengok since i bought them
last Mac (masa balik cuti)

for a start, i decided to watch 'Cinta'

perghhhhhhh.. memang power cerita ni
almost, made me cry
well, very teary indeed
ok la, i did cry a little
puas hati?

no wonder it won The Best Film award
and 3 other awards as well
during the 20th Festival Filem Malaysia
last saturday in Penang

salute to the director, actors and actress (and crew)
this is definitely a very good movie
a breakaway from typical Yasmin's movies
that have been dominating and set as benchmark
for the last five years or so

after (finally) watching the film
now, the song Perpisahan by Anuar Zain
is even more sad to listen than before

and by some browsing in youtube
i found this video-music



Cosmic_GurL said...

It just won best film in the Festival Filem M'sia ke 20, bro. And it deserved the win too! Love all the scenes between Rahim Rahim and Fatimah Abu Bakar. It really pull your heartstrings la this movie


the movie is just fantabulous...

anyway...i agree the perpisahan song tu kalau dgr mula2 tu biase aje but after watching it listening 2 the song was just a heart wrenching experience...memang sebak 2 the max

Yours Truly ... XOXO said...

u cried? to which scene? eheheh ;P

DiaHarris said...

i haven't watch the movie yet... sgt sedih eh? if u cried, i'm sure after i watch mesti NANGIS!! saya ni sangat sensetip ok!!

dan statement yg nak makan - tapi lauk dh abis tu sgt klakar.. hehehheee...

katakbesar said...

cosmic -
i read it somewhere that it won 1 + 3
yupp, deserving indeed

eddy -
kannn? gila sedih la lagu tu
did the song won any awards in Juara Lagu or AIM or anything?
kalau tak menang.. lagi aku sedih.. hehe

yours truly -
yes i did, cant help it
no scene in particular, just the momentum from various
but 'hujan mula turun' when Nanu died

diaharris -
surely you will cry like sungai
apatah lagi bila lauk dah habis.. hehehe..

Ceera said...

citer CINTA memang best, saya pun nangis, uwaaaaaa...

D.N.A.S said...

I tengok cite tu with a friend who was about to file for divorce. Kitorang dua-dua nangis sakan. keluar cinema mata bengkak. hahahaha.

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

laa cinta baru tengok ke..??
lambat la u..
i pun tengok last week..thee hee hee samala kita

UglyButAdorable said...

alamakk...i lagie laa lambat..tak tengok pun lagi...must make it a point nie..

kalau u nangis..i lagie la wei..ratu air mata..

katakbesar said...

ceera -
memang sedih tapi best

dnas -
banjir gamaknya panggung hari tu

missy -
cehh :P
but better late than never, right?

uglybutadorable -
cepat tengok..
sebelum filem tu nanti
dari Cinta jadi Cerai

Anonymous said...

cinta dan airmata...seramlah.aku ni mencintai seseorang yang membuatkan aku menangis....adakah aku akan menjadi 'kassim selamat'?orang kata kalau dah asyik menangis tu he's not the one.betul ke camtu?aku tak nak tengok cerita tu.takut.

katakbesar said...

cik anon -
hmm... tak tau nak jawab camne
sebab saya bukan ahli nujum ;)
but, do listen to your heart
and follow what your mind says
good luck !

Anonymous said...

keh keh keh....u tau nama i?memang ahli nujum keh keh keh.thanks.