Friday, August 17

the principles

masa zaman sekolah rendah
kalau orang tanya and suruh sebutkan
memang mudah je nak jawab
apatah lagi lafazkan
the Rukun Negara

apa tidaknya
masa umur sebegitu
we need to hafal sifir 1 hingga 12
thus, we need to refer to the back side of buku tulis tu
yang mana di bahagian atasnya ada Rukun Negara
hence, indirectly, terhafal la sekali..

in the past
i had had the opportunities
to lead the assembly of people in various occasions
to read the Rukun Negara during several ceremonies
yang pasti akan naik semangat apabila menyebut
"Makaaaa Kamiiii, Rakyatttt Malaysia, Berrrikrarrr..."



Cosmic_GurL said...

OMG! I still remember those buku tulis with sifir 1-12 at the back. Hehehe...believe it or not i still memorise the Rukunegara..word for word :)

Sungguh bangga jadi Anak Malaysia :P

UglyButAdorable said...

rukun negara..ingat ingat luper..sipir 1 - 12 masih ingat lagiek..sbb kena hapal sambil berdiri...uhukk..uhukkk..

Yours Truly ... XOXO said...

still tak paham kenape kite kene hafal sifir 1 - 12 sedangkan skang sume pakai calculator je..?

last2 sampai skeang pun tak ingat sifir 1 - 12 tuh...eheheh ;P

DiaHarris said...

i ingat buku2 tu yang ada sifir 1-12 tp tak pernah hafal hingga ke hari ini.. walaupon dah 50 thn merdeka..

katakbesar said...

cosmic -
bravooo for still hafal rukun negara
species gini memang makin pupus tau

uglybutadorable -
hehe.. ingat sifir ke ingat kenangan kene denda?

yours truly -
kena hafal tu, perhaps was for IQ and brain simulation i think

dia -
hmm.. nak kene denda ni.. tak hafal sifir.. hehe..