Friday, August 10

it's real awesome

i never was a fan of any opera songs
but this particular performance
really took me by surprise
and immediately loving it
and making it my phone ringtone

it was the combination of
his humbleness, his personal background
the reaction from the audience and judges
and the way he sang the song of course
- the clip shows it all

well.. i think..
Pavarotti's, Sarah Brightman's, Andrea Borcelli's
and perhaps even the original and other versions
did not move me much or make the same effect

but this guy - Paul Pott
especially his audition version
was really amazing and superb !

(and at the time i was drafting this post
the hit for that video in youtube
has already reached over 9 million)

oh ya.. by the way..
he did win that competition - Britain's Got Talent
and as they say.. the rest is history..

* the full song is here as sang by him during the final
* the full lyric is here and the history of Nessun Dorma


Red Raven said...

hmmm...he is good. I love Andrea Borcelli...but this guy is good.


this guy is really good...

i heard he beat a six year old girl or something...somewhere over the rainbow....

but he was really good...

Yours Truly ... XOXO said...

9 million hits for an opera song??!!

this guy must be d*mn good..... ;P

katakbesar said...

red raven and eddy -
kann? meremang bulu tengkok aku

yours truly -
so far.. 15 hits were from me alone
tiap pagi masuk opis.. sure nak layan video tu