Monday, July 2

the heat is on

it's July already?
my oh my, time flies

it's officially summer in the UAE
the heat already lingers around 43 celsius nowadays
with 65% humidity thus far

by hujung July till mid-August
merasa la lagi insyaAllah
up to 48 celsius

pohon-pohon tamar telah mula berbuah
kurma akan bertukar warna
dari hijau ke kuning dan merah-cokelat

bermula Julai juga, till 31 Ogos
in UAE, no workers are allowed to work
di tempat terbuka / outdoor
between 12.30 to 3 .00 pm
otherwise face the penalty of AED 10,000 per worker
(this is targeted largely for construction sectors)

and this is the 3rd year in a row
for such ban to be enforced
however, it's reducing its number by year
i.e. in 2005, it was for 12.00 till 4.00 pm
i.e. in 2006, it was for 12.00 till 3.00 pm

there has been rumours and discussion from last year
to actually scrap this ruling altogether
with a strong lobbying by the construction companies
thankfully, stronger empathy from NGOs and government agencies
did balance things up and prolong this humane ordinance

mabruk !

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