Monday, July 7

it's showtime

i am no longer a fan
of 'going out to the movies'
- neither was i a real fan before
merely a casual visitors

but, precisely since year 1999
i had relinquished any thoughts
of going to the cinema
to watch a movie

among the reasons were;
- available home entertainment system
- cheap and good (and pirated) vcd/dvd
- no longer a teenager.. hehe..

well.. frankly, since then..
the only movies that i had watched
at the cinemas were;

Lord of The Rings
itupun sebab terpaksa
since i joined them that evening..
i fall asleep after an hour or so
and never like to watch any of the LOTR..
seriously.. it was disappointing and pointless
to watch that powerless-and-rasa-nak-terajang-je Gordo
and seriously.. the Eyes of Sauron?
if you observe carefully.. it does look like a v*g*na..
(sorry.. mind my language.. but it does, don't you think?)

and Puteri Gunung Ledang
few days before i left for the UAE
in the spirit of 'the last movie'..
loved the fights scene and the whole cinematography

one of the main reasons
i've turned my back against 'going to the cinemas'
was; the censorship and the subtitles

well, i could make my peace with the censorship board
but.. the 3-lines or almost-half-of-the-screen subtitles
i can't stand that anymore.. nope.. sorry, too annoying..
especially since we now have the pleasure and comfort
the option to watch the movies at home.. via dvds and vcds
i could bring any foods i want, i could go pee any time i need

as i said.. i used to love going to the movies
during my much younger days as a happy-go-lucky teenager
my favourite were Cathay and Rex cinemas in KL

one of my favourite movies
and the only movie that i had watched
for 4 times.. at a cinema..
was Layar Lara

i just loved this film so much
that i even watched it
for that 3rd and 4th times
all by myself

yupp.. those were the days..


trueblue said...

I'm also not much of a 'going out to the movies' fan anymore. Malas dah nak berebut-berebut and beratur. Lagi best beli dvd and tengok kat rumah. Can baring-baring some more :)

Nazirah Sharifuddin said...

movie malaysia sekarang da x cam dlu. my big sister pun minat sgt layar lara, dan lagi satu jimi asmara. dia ckp cite2 camtu worth watching over and over again. hmm

katakbesar said...

betul tu..
boleh baring-baring, golek-golek
macam dalam filem tu

movie sekarang.. ada gak yg ok..
but, yup.. limited in quantity
and, rasanya, some short-film/cerekarama type
are better