ali setan
jumpa kat youtube akhirnya
filem ni memang (one of) my all time favourite
will try to find the other classic movies
(salute to the guy yg upload this to youtube)
winning is just a consolation for doing my best
jumpa kat youtube akhirnya
filem ni memang (one of) my all time favourite
will try to find the other classic movies
(salute to the guy yg upload this to youtube)
by katakbesar at 7:03 pm 0 comments
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE
and Minister of Defence of the UAE
and Ruler of Dubai, UAE
memang active, executive, determine
and full of new ideas and initiatives
dalam menjalan dan melaksanakan
tugas dan impian beliau
baru-baru ni..
he decided to host a luncheon
(after their weekly cabinet meeting
and visiting one of the government projects)
in a quite symbolic and bold event
it was outdoor, informal and refreshing
at the same time, it did represent...
'back-to-you-roots' kind of thing
don't you think ?
well.. will Malaysia boleh ?
we shall wait and see..
by katakbesar at 2:15 pm 0 comments
hmmm.. lama dah tak sambung siri isketam
sibuk pun ye.. idea tak masuk pun ye
malas nak menaip pun ye.. hehe..
anyway.. here it goes..
statistik kemalangan jalan raya di UAE
kalau compares with Malaysia
memang jauh la jauh berbeza
di Malaysia tanahairku
penduduknya lebih ramai
bilangan kenderaan pun lebih banyak
namun begitu, pihak berwajib di UAE
memang concern dengan kadar peningkatan
kemalangan jalan raya..
apatah lagi yang melibatkan kematian
antara faktor penyebab.. seperti biasa...
tidak mematuhi undang-undang jalan raya
memandu laju.. tak sempat brake bila emergency..
langgar lampu isyarat.. ikut lorong emergency
dan lain lain lagi..
self-activate speed cameras
memang bertambah banyak
cameras di kawasan town pun makin banyak
di traffic lights pun bertambah juga
at every 5 kilometers kalau kat highway
but.. macam biasa..
orang akan 'slow' masa depan camera tu je
orang tak takut jugak bila in a hurry
(average speed limit in highway is 120 kmh
but, with a grace limit till 140 kmh)
apapun.. yang menarik adalah
kerjasama pihak polis trafik
dengan satu suratkhabar tempatan
di mana, setiap hari akan ada satu page, gambar terpilih
kenderaan yang melakukan kesalahan trafik
sebagai peringatan sepatutnya.. named and shamed..
tapinya.. sedar tak sedar..
kalau difikirkan dan diperhatikan
boleh jadi bende lain lak..
sebagai pameran sahaja.. named and famed..
by katakbesar at 2:09 pm 0 comments
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Il faut oublier let’s forget
Tout peut s'oublier all can be forgotten
Qui s'enfuit déjà which is gone by already
Oublier le temps forget the time
Des malentendus of misunderstanding
Et le temps perdu and the time lost
A savoir comment finding out how
Oublier ces heures to forget those hours
Qui tuaient parfois which sometimes killed
A coups de pourquoi by blows of why
Le cœur du bonheur the heart of happiness
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Moi je t'offrirai i will give you
Des perles du pluie pearls of rain
Venues de pays come from countries
Où il ne pleut pas where it never rains
Je creus'rai la terre i will dig up the earth
Jusqu'après ma mort even in death
Pour couvrir ton corps to cover your body
D'or et de lumière with gold and with light
Je f'rai un domaine i will make a kingdom
Où l'amour s'ra roi where love shall be king
Où l'amour s'ra loi where love shall be law
Où tu seras reine where you shall be queen
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Je t'inventerai i shall invent
Des mots insensés senseless words
Que tu comprendras which you will understand
Je te parlerai i shall tell you about
De ces amants là those lovers who
Qui ont vu deux fois saw twice their hearts
Leurs cœurs s'embraser go up in flames
Je te racont'rai i shall tell you
L'histoire de ce roi the story of this king
Mort de n'avoir pas dead for not having succeeded
Pu te rencontrer in finding you
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
On a vu souvent one has often seen
Rejaillir le feu burst anew the fire
De l'ancien volcan of an old volcano
Qu'on croyait trop vieux believed to be spent
Il est parait il there are, it is said,
Des terres brûlées scorched lands
Donant plus de blé yielding more wheat
Qu'un meilleur avril than the best of April
Et quand vient le soir and when evening comes
Pour qu'un ciel flamboie to make the sky flare up
Le rouge et le noir the red and the black
Ne s'épousent ils pas don’t they wed
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Je n'vais plus pleurer i’ll weep no more
Je n'vais plus parler i’ll speak no more
Je me cacherai là i’ll hide right here
A te regarder to look at you
Danser et sourire dance and smile
Et à t'écouter to listen to you sing
Chanter et puis rire and then laugh
Laiss'moi devenir let me become the shadow
L'ombre de ton ombre of your shadow
L'ombre de main the shadow of your hand
L'ombre de ton chien the shadow of your dog
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
Ne me quitte pas don’t leave me
by katakbesar at 4:24 am 2 comments
How to Put The Right People For The Right Job
Put around 100 bricks
in some particular order
in a closed room with an open window.
Then send 2-3 candidates
into the room and close it from outside.
Leave them alone
and come back after 6 hours,
and then analyze the situation:
If they are counting
and recounting the number of bricks
If they have messed up
the whole place with the bricks
If they are arranging the bricks
in some other order
If they are throwing the bricks
at each other
If they are sleeping
If they have broken the bricks
into pieces
If they are sitting idle
If they have thrown the bricks
out of the window
If they are clinging onto the bricks
If they say they have tried different combinations,
yet not a brick has moved
If they have already left for the day
If they are staring out of the window
and last but not least....
If they are talking to each other
and not a single brick has been moved
by katakbesar at 1:50 pm 0 comments
forwarded by my dearest friend
To realize the value of a sister;
Ask someone who doesn't have one.
To realize the value of ten years;
Ask a newly divorced couple.
To realize the value of four years;
Ask a graduate.
To realize the value of one year;
Ask a student who has failed a final exam.
To realize the value of nine months;
Ask a mother who gave birth to a still born.
To realize the value of one month;
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of one week;
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of one hour;
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of one minute;
Ask a person who has missed the bus or plane.
To realize the value of one-second;
Ask a person who has survived an accident.
To! realize the value of one millisecond;
Ask the person who has won a silver medal.
Time waits for no one.
Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more;
When you can share it with someone special.
To realize the value of a friend;
Lose one.
by katakbesar at 1:36 pm 0 comments
if yuo cna raed tihs,
yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
i cdnuolt blveiee
taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd
waht I was rdanieg.
the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid,
aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,
it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr
the ltteres in a wrod are,
the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht
the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
the rset can be a taotl mses
and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.
tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef,
but the wrod as a wlohe.
azanmig huh?
and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was iptmorant!
by katakbesar at 1:27 pm 0 comments