Tuesday, January 16

big birds

ramai yang pernah dengar / kenal sangat
pada nama Emirates / Emirates Group
iaitu sebuah syarikat penerbangan
yang sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini
amat rancak dengan promosi dan penajaannya..
termasuknya stadium baru pasukan bola Arsenal

Emirates Airlines..
based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
solely owned by the Dubai Government
operate since October 1985
flies to 80 destinations
and Kuala Lumpur is one of them
11 times in a week.. direct flights via Airbus A-330
thus far...

tentunya ramai yang baru dengar / tahu
tentang Etihad Airways

Etihad Airways..
based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
solely owned by the Abu Dhabi Government
operate since November 2003
flies to 36 destinations
thus far...

and now..
Etihad's latest and 37th destination
is Kuala Lumpur
starting 2.45 am today (16 January 2007)
6 times a week.. direct flights.. via Airbus A-340..

bravo ! congrats ! mabruk !

so.. now..
more people will start to know Abu Dhabi
more people will travel via or to Abu Dhabi
as Abu Dhabi too is developing and promoting more and more
as Abu Dhabi is more richer and larger than Dubai
(size, money, oil, power, culture)
only that it's not as 'popular' as Dubai
thus far...

in both Emirates Airlines and Etihad Airways
memang ramai ex-MAS pilots and air-crew
with about 60 Malaysian pilots.. in Etihad alone..

Malaysia Airlines ?
5 times a week only to Dubai
(3 flights KL-Dubai-Beirut)
(2 flights KL-Karachi-Dubai)

demi negara yang tercinta..
antara tanahairku dan tanahpasirku..


A.Z. Haida said...

ada orang kata, kalau dia diberi pilihan naik MAS atau Emirates at similar rates, dia akan pilih Emirates. Sebabnya - 1) makanan lagi sedap kat Emirates, 2) tak ada arak dihidang atas Emirates, 3) pramugari bertudung... Ye ke mcm tu?

katakbesar said...


begitulah orang kata -
seat, service and makanan better

about pakai tudung tu.. hehe..
bukan tudung la.. selendang je..
and still pair with skirt


Kit Pryde said...

hmmm... mahal lagi ke tiket emirates banding ngan MAS? sebab, kalau camtu, better naik emirates kalau nak travel jejauh..

err... not that we have the means to travel now, just planning and hoping je. dh kawin ngan liverpool's die hard fan, so... kalau nak gi UK.. syaratnye.. kena gi tengok game la ngan dia.. hehehehe...

tu yang kinda busybody trying to find out what airlines are the best.. any suggestions?

katakbesar said...


by a laymen comparison
yupp.. emirates' cheaper and better

my suggestion..
kalau nak travel..
seek the travel agent's offer..
it's different than buying online not like those no frills airliners