Monday, April 3

rough riders

UAE is a federation of 7 emirates
ada federal law, but each emirate's law
will supersede the federal law...

as i illustrated before..
kalau accident kereta, kat Abu Dhabi
tak leh move that cars until police sampai
otherwise kena saman and report/claim tak valid
but kalau kat Dubai
boleh move the cars while tunggu polis sampai
or terus gi balai buat report..

ada satu lagi law yang very funny...
Abu Dhabi and Dubai.. both is UAE..
but, to register a car, bought in Dubai
at Abu Dhabi.. kena ada import permit...
for your info, harga kereta kat Dubai
cheaper by hundreds...

satu lagi yang funny..
kat Abu Dhabi..
u tak leh basuh kereta
kat luar rumah or kawasan umum
menggunakan air...
only kat petrol station
or tempat cuci kereta yang berlesen..
sebab, air yang melimpah tu nanti
akan menyebabkan orang lain kotor
and not good for environment, etc...
so, other that tempat cuci kereta..
aku tak leh main simbah je air untuk basuh kereta..
lap guna towel basah/kering still boleh..

now, terbaru.. emirate of Sharjah..
announced it would ban all bicycles
from the emirate’s roads.

the Municipality is apparently
trying to clamp down
on 'uncivilised' people who transport scrap,
especially cardboard, on the back of bikes..

so, untuk labour/workers
that rely on basikal as a mode of transport
to go to work? how?

cyclists will still be able
to ride their bikes
but, only in the city’s parks
and quieter areas..

but,yang lucunya... maknanya
they have to find another way
to get there in the first place
don't they?...

pendek kata..
kalau nak berbasikal di taman-taman
kena la pikul dulu basikal tu from rumah..

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