Monday, June 7

call and write

in dealing and communicating
with other people in formal situation
i will always try my best
to call that person first
before i write him/her a letter

i think..
it's better to have heard the person's voice
so that you could also 'know' his/her characters
so that you would not miscontrued them
as you are reading his/her formal longer letter later

it could help us to avoid
from interpreting its content wrongly
through the way we're reading the sentences

for instance..
you receive a letter from a male client
(doesn't matter whether via email, facsimile or post)
and you had never heard his voice before
hence, you never know how's his verbal intonation
nor how flair he is with spoken communication skills
thus, let say, if the contents and sentences in that letter
were very.. well.. let say.. abusive and not friendly
according to your normal standard or expectation
i bet, you would tend to 'misjudge' what he wrote

even if that person would speak to you later
(be it via telephone or in person)
and he 'turns out' to be very friendly and not as abusive
i bet, you would probably still 'hate' him
due to his 'first impression' earlier

why is this possible?

well.. let see..
you never hear my voice
you never meet me in person
but you do read my blog (thank you.. hehe)
so, in your head right now
how did my sentences/writings sound like
in your head, to you, as you're reading them?

is it not, that you tend to read it
as if and how, you are reading your own letter/writing?

if you had have meet me or hear my voice before
then, you probably know and understand
and read my words and writtings
as if i am right in-front of you
and am speaking to you directly

wouldn't it be better, for our own understanding
if that someone (a client/counterpart/colleague)
had called or spoke with us earlier
before he/she sending us that letter?

try it
and good luck !

thank you

Sunday, June 6

patience and passion

sekarang ni rasanya
masih lagi hangat isu pasal
undang-undang seperti
tak boleh pegang tangan,
berpelukan, bercium di khalayak ramai

'show of affection in public'
kata orang Jawa...

pihak yang berwajib
yang dipikulkan tanggungjawab
pihak yang terbabit dan berkenaan
dapat berdebat dengan hati dan minda
yang lapang dan bijak
bukan ikut perasaan, apatah lagi nafsu..

satu perkara yang saya ingin ketengahkan
adalah berkenaan budaya pegang tangan ni..

kalau pasangan kekasih tu
tentunya.. kalau boleh..
nak ke toilet pun
nak pegang tangan..

and kalau batu tu kita terlanggar
surely.. batu tu yang akan disalahkan
bukannya mata sendiri yang tak nampak..
hehehe.. manissss masa bercinta..

yang hairan nya..
orang kita ni
bila dah kawin.. dah beranak pinak
mula la lepa dan tak lagi
ingin nak berpegang tangan..

pendek kata..
masa tak boleh (belum nikah) dulu
bukan main nak berpegang tangan
masa dah halal (dah sah suami-isteri) ni
jalan pun jauh jauh..

tolong betulkan kalau saya salah..
but.. bukankah.. dalam agama Islam
akan terhapus dosa-dosa kecil
apabila suami isteri itu bersentuh-sentuhan.. ?

okay.. mari kita lihat
BUDAYA bangsa lain..

kita lihat orang UK contohnya..

kalau awal pagi atau awal petang
di taman-taman awam..
pastinya anda akan dapat lihat
pasangan tua.. berjalan bersama
masih berpimpinan tangan...

kalau berjalan di tepi jalan
yang dah tua bongkok tiga
yang jenis jalan selangkah seminit ni pun
masih berjalan bersama-sama..
berpimpinan lagi...

apakah pula BUDAYA kita.. ?
apakah yang disarankan oleh AGAMA kita..?

belajar biar berguru
beramal biar berilmu
malu biar bertempat
sopan biar tepat