Monday, November 26

fiestas' focus

i wish not to comment on media bias
for me.. there is biasness..
right from the start
right from the moment
the reporter 'choose' to make
a coverage on certain / that issue
by his/her own interest
or by his superior directive..

this is about.. media focus..
when making a coverage on an issue
the way they would publish it..

for instance..

at the time Pak Lah was 'trying' to explain
the reasons for his cabinet reshuffling..
the media.. decided to put Siti Nurhaliza's face
on 2/3 of the front page..

plus.. there wasn't even a small photo
of Pak Lah... for that article of 400 words..

while, Siti's 10 cm x 15 cm photo
which only had 10 words saying...
Siti akan umum pasal perkahwinan dia kelak..
(or something to that fact)

get the reality?
it bites.. real hard too..

ok.. now.. let try to put in
some common sense and perception..

Kerajaan / Kementerian
adalah decision makers.. policy..
and definitely in control of the main stream medias..

got Editors.. and profit-oriented
(sorry to say.. more often than not)
less morally responsible nowadays..
'survive' through its profits..
meaning, kalau orang tak baca and beli..
tak 'hidup' suratkhabar tu..

(err.. how many month was
the reporters' bonus for last year again?)

yang telah dimomokkan
dengan bahan hiburan
dari bukak mata hingga kan nak tutup mata..
dari pagi sampai petang..
artis artis artis...

contoh nyata..
Kementerian nak kempen something la kata..
Kempen Tak Nak! or Kempen Mari Membaca..
masa nak launch kempen..
who you gonna call?
(eh, macam cerita ghostbuster la pulak)
tak lain tak bukan... artissss... penyanyi..

sebab? kalau takde 'show'..
orang ramai tak datang..
so... 'tak jadi' la acara tu
and tak de 'ummphhh' la kempen tu..

satu topik lain.. but related..
Karnival Sure Heboh / Jom Heboh..
(yang lebih merupakan.. Jom Kepoh..)

kalau betul nak kumpul duit
untuk tolong orang.. senang je time tu..

tapi.. TV3 salah focus..
untuk masuk ke Karnival... free of charge..
then.. di akhir konsert (again, artis)..
akan dimaklumkan berapa ramai yang hadir
sepanjang weekend/minggu tu..

sebagai contoh.. kat kuching or jb..
selalunya cecah 300,000 orang
pelawat / pengunjung karnival..

yang aku sedihnya.. - jumlah tabung kutipan
diumumkan hanya berjaya kutip RM 120,000..

kenapa aku sedih?

why not, buat entrance fee RM 1 orang
and maklumkan bahawa fee tersebut
adalah untuk derma/tabung tersebut..
kan ke dapat boleh kumpul RM 300,000 ?

again.. terbukti
focussss ke lain (or takde langsung)
sebab focus depa sebenarnya
bukan sangat pada tabung tu
but, untuk pasarkan produk, advertising
and promosi artis.. of course

tu je di siri ini..
sambung lain karnival..
eh, silap.. sambung lain kali


Sunday, November 18

power of entertainment

dulu.. kisah filem atau cerita tv
banyak kisah polis tangkap pencuri..
kita pun rasa nak jadi polis

dan selalunya.. cerita atau filem tu
polis mesti menang, pencuri mesti kalah
polis kejar, pencuri kena tangkap
good people lawan bad people
good will win and prevail.. all the times..

but now.. atas dasar creativity
dan bagi mengelak dari dilabel sebagai
stereotype dan typical films
banyak cerita dan plot di mana;
pencuri tak lagi bangang
pencuri dah makin pandai
pencuri tak semestinya jahat
pencuri tak selalunya kalah

in short.. dah reverse..

tambahan lagi..
sekarang ni.. banyak cerita dan filem..
pasal polis rasuah, tak amanah, pemalas, etc

secara sedar tak sedar juga
masyarakat tidak lagi memandang tinggi
kepada kerjaya sebagai polis..

kesan tak langsung juga
makin kurang yang mohon kerja polis
polis yang sedia ada pun memang kurang
dan makin tambah demotivated sebab overworked
tambah lagi gaji pun tak seberapa..

kesan tak langsung lagi
makin banyak jenayah
penjenayah sedia ada pun memang banyak
tambah lagi 'peluang' memang terbuka..

apapun.. tulisan ini..
bukan nak borak or bincang
pasal gaji, rasuah dan motivasi
(luas dan panjang cerita kalau bab tu
3 hari 3 malam borak pun tak abis)

ingin mengingatkan tentang kuasa media
tentang betapa bahayanya
jika dibiarkan filem/cerita begini
menjadi tontonan umum atas nama hiburan
tanpa memikirkan kesan kepada masyarakat adanya..

oleh itu.. harus kita awasi..
berilah panduan dan kritikan
dan pilihlah dan tontonlah dengan bijak..

teringat dulu.. masa sekolah rendah..
tiap kali hujung tahun.. untuk Buku Rekod Kemajuan
cikgu akan tanya kita atau kita perlu bagitau
3 cita-cita untuk masa hadapan..

pastinya.. puratanya..
kalau yang lelaki..
polis, tentera, guru, doktor, pemain bola
kalau yang perempuan..
nurse, guru, doktor, pegawai

ada jugak..
lawyer, posmen, akauntan,
pegawai bank, bomba, pramugari

(tak pasti samada
sekolah rendah sekarang ada ke buat ni lagi)

kalau ditanya bebudak sekolah sekarang
apa agaknya jawapan yang akan diberikan?

lawyer, arkitek, ahli perniagaan,
ahli politik, ahli musikkkkkk ?
programmers, hackers, angkasawan
pelakon, penyanyi, Siti Nurhaliza, Mawi ?


in my rekod book dulu...
yang paling menarik dan tersenyum sendiri
bila diamati balik sekarang ni
adalah catatan masa darjah 3..
- guru, pemain bola, kerani


Thursday, November 1

thank and sorry

The word Thank you and Sorry
may sound very simple and very common.

It simply means,we appreciate and we apologize,

But in reality,
not many of us realize how important
these two phrases are
and what wonders they can bring.

Imagine this everyday scene;

at the post-office counter,
you have a RM50 note in your hand,
about to buy a 20 sen stamp...
you'll say to the person behind the counter
’20 sen stamp’.

more often than not,
the post-office guy will retort
“Don’t you have a bigger note?”
or in a more polite words,
“Can you make a change for the note somewhere else first?”
or he/she will just hand over
the change with 20 sen stamp harshly.

Naturally, you will then like the person less,
and the post-office person will do too.

Will that be the case
if the conversation started like this;

“Sorry, I don’t have any small note,
could I have a 20 sen stamp please?”
Surely, as a normal human being,
the person in-charge at the counter
will reply “It’s okay”
or just glance with a smile
whilst he/she forwards the 20 sen stamp
and the balance for your note.

“Thank you”, then you'll say in favour
to the person in-charge of the counter.

Now, which event would you rather be involved in,
or which person would you rather be?

Before we get any further,
here’s another scene,
which is probably very likely
to happen in our every day lives.

You are walking down the street
for casual window shopping maybe,
and suddenly a man accidentally
bumps his shoulder against yours.

The normal ritual would be;
we'll just look at each other
with hatred and blame in our faces,
a gesture to indicate that
“It was surely not my fault, it was yours, mister”.

Would it be nicer and even easier,
if both of us say Sorry,
or even more wonderful with a smile,
a gesture to indicate that,
“It was nobody’s fault, it was ours, sir”.

Imagine if this event really took place,
would both of us leave the scene with happy hearts,
no feeling of hate and even revenge?

Has anybody out there
ever done these suggested gestures
or normally use these phrases as an everyday thing?

If you do, good for you and please keep it up.

I would like to share my view
with all the readers (as if there is such.. hehehe)
and reminded myself that
there are so many wonderful things
“Thank you” and “Sorry”
could do and help,
in facing these rigid, timid, rebellious, luxury-free,
harsh and demanding world.

The major mistake,
most of us always guilty of is;
we always take these phrases for granted,
too reluctant to say these phrases
to the people when we actually need to.

What I mean,
we should have said “Thank you” every time,
I do mean every time, we receive a services from someone,
or someone had given us his/her helping hand.

We should not hesitate
to express our appreciation to someone,
regardless, whether the favour or the services
could be considered very small.

It would make people feel appreciated,
and keep giving the favour or the services well.

Just imagine you yourself
giving a favour or serving others
at the post-office perhaps,
but never been thanked by any customer,
how would you feel?

The services at the counter
of any private or public institutions
such as the Registration of Transport Department,
National Registration Department, Immigration Department,
Pos Malaysia counter, the Celcom or Maxis counter,
any fast-food restaurants counter,
ticket counters and other customer-related counters,
banks, booths, et cetera
are always labeled as inconvenient.

In my own experience
as the customer and the person in-charge at the counter,
one of the reasons would be because
there is a lack of “Thank you” and “Sorry” used
between the person who needs and gives the services.

It does not necessarily need to be
that only the person who gets the services
should say “Thank you”.

The person who is serving also could thank others;
“Thank you, please come again”,
“Thank you for your patience’
or even just a plain “Thank you” will suffice.

The person who serves could also apologize.

For instance;
“Sorry to keep you waiting”,
“We are sorry, there is a computer failure”,
“Sorry you need to get in the line”,
“Sorry could I have your details please?”
or “Sorry we are closing now, could you come again tomorrow?”

In short,
if the phrases “Thank you” and “Sorry”
are used appropriately,
when necessary
and more frequently,
I bet the dissatisfaction,
complaints and moaning
about the inconvenience and bad experience
at all the said counters,
will be a thing of the past.

Sceptically, people will argue that,
“What if I am the only one who thanked
and keep apologizing to others,
while others have never done their parts?
Why should I then?”

If people never did their chores
or thank you for any courtesy you did,
or even say sorry for any irritation
he or she caused you,
wouldn’t you at least feel good and satisfied
if you had have said it?

I am sure, as a normal mortal person,
the person you thanked or apologized to,
will feel the guiltiness at least a bit,
if they do not thank or apologize to you back.

Therefore, why should you give up a good habit
that makes you feel good and look good?

The phrases “Thank you” and “Sorry”
must not only necessarily need to be spoken to someone.
It could also be in the form of sign-language.

For example, when you are driving on the road;
at times when some one let you get in
as you come out from junction;
when another driver flashed or honked you
for being too slow or too fast on the road;
when you just dangerously overtake another car;
when you didn’t realize that there is a car on the next lane
as you want to switch lane.

How would you feel
if someone raises up their hand
or you raise up yours,
as a token action to thank or to apologize
to others for all the said reasons?

The list of examples and cases
could go on endlessly,
I am very sure we all have
our own encounter regarding this matter.

You might stumble upon it
at your workplace,
at the shopping complexes,
at the bus stop,
at the customer service counters
and even at home.

Don’t you think that it would have been better
if we all have the culture
of saying ‘Thank you” and “Sorry”?

Again, some people would cynically say,
“Would that mean we will be saying theses words
thousands of times everyday?”

Well, what’s the harm in that?
And it is not that hard to say anyway,
don’t you think?

I do agree that the occurrence is awkward,
absurd if you may, and we are not familiar
and even not ready yet to start the culture.

Well, if we do not start,
how could it become a culture?
If we do not say it,
how would it be heard?

With an open heart and mind,
the phrases are actually already
in our mind and on our tongue.

We shall use it more frequently,
where necessary, when it is appropriate.

Do not be shy to try it.
Do not be lazy to say it.
Do not blame others for not doing it.

It will do us good.
There is no harm and it is not that hard.

As I wrap up my humble ideas... (finally)

Thank you for reading, Sorry for any inconvenience.

Go out, speak up and good luck.

Nobody is perfect.
But there could always be a continuous improvement.

Winning is just a consolation for doing your best